Wanna play
Delta Green,Fate Core,Dungeons & Dragons,Vampire: The Masquerade,Лазеры и Чувства,Дневник Авантюриста,WH 40K Dark Heresy,Kids on brooms,Pathfinder,Numenera,Wraith: the Oblivion,Эра Водолея,Lamentations of the Flame Princess,Raiders World,Call of Cthulhu,Catthulhu,Horror Movie World,KULT: Divinity Lost,Cyberpunk Red,Мускулы и Усы,Savage Worlds,Тактические вайфу,Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4e,Eat The Reich,Into the Odd,Reign,Грань Вселенной

Tabletop role-playing games for beginners and experienced players

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    By genre, tag, and setting.

  • Go to game creation page. Create a game

    To get new experience and adventures.

  • Upcoming games

    Upcoming events

    What is a Mimic?

    It is a platform for bringing together a community of tabletop role-playing game lovers. We are sure that there are many people who are interested in TTRPG, but how do we find each other?

    The site is designed to easily search for a company for games. Soon you will be able to find the game according to your personal preferences in any city, wherever you go, immediately see the description and players.

    We also support events. If you are planning an event with an appointment for games, we can create a separate event for you, where you can moderate applications for the game library yourself.

    Our advantages

    Have you recently learned about TTRPG?

    If you are new to Dungeons & Dragons and other tabletop role-playing games, then don't worry – our events are designed specifically for you. At our events, the masters will explain the rules before the game starts, so that everyone is comfortable.

    What are games like?

    Do you like fantasy or do you prefer cyberpunk? Do you want to try yourself as a supernatural being? Are you excited about Lovecraftian horror stories? On Mimic, you can easily find the game according to your preferences.

    Are you hosting an event?

    If you have an event where TTRPG is played, we can help you with a convenient system for organizing and registering for games. You will be able to moderate applications for hosting games and watch the growing number of players!